So, as most of us know Rebecca Black recently released the video for her new song "My Moment". Now, the song really is not as popular as her first single "Friday" but it already has 17 million views on YouTube.
A part of the song that stuck out the most to me was her rap/talking in melody, whatever you want to call it,
"Haters, said I'll see you later
Can't talk to you right now
I'm getting my paper"
If you have not noticed yet, she is NOT lying. Just from "Friday", Rebecca made about 40 thousand dollars. Yes, I said thousand. You are probably thinking the same thing I did when her first single came out, "what a talent-less little skank", or something along those lines. Remember guys, now she's a talent-less little RICH skank.
I am a singer also and truthfully, I'm proud of her. She loves music, is possibly fame hungry but who isn't, and got her "talent" out to the public. Sure, it was heavily auto-tuned...very heavily, but she's making her money and doing what she loves.
Honestly, if I was her, I would hunt down all the people who "cyber bullied" me, show up to their doorstep with a huge stack of one hundred dollar bills and make it rain on them HOES!! I really would, and scream while I'm doing it, "I may be talent-less but I could buy you house muther-whater!" Take my advice Rebecca, it can be extremely therapeutic for you.

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